Serving Public and Private Clients
Utilities and Energy Companies
Terra Remote has extensive experience with public and private electrical utilities, oil and gas pipeline owners, mining corporations, and alternative energy generation companies to enable new and existing infrastructure assessment, planning, construction, maintenance and upgrades.
Terra’s Marine division has worked with utilities to map hydroelectric infrastructure including dam, outlet and cable inspections, cable placements and dredging activities.
Engineering and Environmental Consultants
Terra Remote works in partnership with engineers and consultants to provide data in support of their projects, including work for a wide range of sectors.
Major engineering firms throughout North and South America return to Terra Remote as a trusted service provider, a testament to our commitment to deliver quality data.
Interested in learning more about teaming with Terra Remote Sensing? Contact us >.
“Terra Remote has always been a responsible and responsible and reliable LiDAR data provider, and will continue to be our preferred sub-contractor for these services. ”
Government Agencies
Terra Remote works directly with Federal, provincial, state and First Nations governments to deliver data that supports transportation infrastructure, land and marine management, environmental initiatives and disaster response along with other agency projects. Through various multi-year contracts, Terra has maintained rapid response capabilities in order to mobilize, map and provide expedited results to aid in the management of disasters such as forest fires, landslides and flooding events.
“Throughout the course of the LiDAR program, Terra has adhered to project schedules, has responded to requests in a timely fashion, met or exceeded data specifications, and maintained safe operations”
Working with the British Columbia Ministry of Transportation, Terra has developed a methodology using aerial LiDAR to collect “near design quality” topographic data and planimetry. Many of the highways in British Columbia are in steep dynamic terrain. Using LiDAR allows the Ministry the ability to monitor road conditions in a safe and cost-effective manner.
“Terra has also demonstrated a strong commitment to safety and has worked closely with [our] staff to ensure safe operations occur throughout the project. Large-scale projects of this nature are inherently complex. However having a strong relationship with an experienced provider that is willing to ensure quality service has helped the project unfold smoothly. ”
LiDAR has become an important tool in the mining industry, from exploration through site development to operations, as downtime is very costly. Open pit mines are a complex network of haul roads and they are typically very unstable. With a dense LiDAR map, the mine operator can anticipate and monitor problem areas like oversteepened banks, slope failure and road degradation.
“The challenges of the terrain in British Columbia have not prevented Terra Remote in capturing our data in a timely and safe manner.”
Terra has been involved with projects centered around forestry, climate change mitigation and adaptation, including urban vegetation change detection, floodplain mapping and salmon habitat restoration and monitoring projects. Through the use of cutting-edge remote sensing technology, a more comprehensive understanding of the environment can be achieved, allowing for precise monitoring, resource application and project management.
“Compared to other vendors we have used, Terra Remote consistently produces a better product with a quick turnaround at a reasonable price.”