Contact Request
At Terra Remote Sensing Inc. (TRSI), we are committed to providing our clients with exceptional service. As providing this service may involve the collection, use and disclosure of some personal information received from clients, protecting their personal information is one of our highest priorities.
Scope of this Policy
This Personal Information Protection Policy applies to Terra Remote Sensing Inc. and its subsidiary, Terra Remote Sensing (USA) Inc.
The entire policy can be found here
Corporate Headquarters
& Canada Operations
Terra Remote Sensing Inc.
1962 Mills Road
Sidney, BC, Canada
V8L 5Y3
t: +1 (250) 656-0931
t: +1 (800) 814-4212
f: +1 (250) 656-4604
U.S.A. Operations
Terra Remote Sensing (USA) Inc.
4400 NE 77th Avenue, Suite 275
Vancouver, WA USA 98662-6857
t: +1 (888) 429-0067